A tow truck company's price is also an important factor to be aware of. It's best to get multiple quotes before you make a decision. It is important to compare quotes from different companies so you aren't ripped off. A good towing company will be upfront about their rates and services so you won't be surprised by unexpected costs.
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Storage fees can vary from company to company, but average around $45 per day. This includes weekends and holidays when we are not available for releases. Additional fees may be charged by tow companies for "after hours" pickup of vehicles from the yard.
What if I want to drive an untaxed vehicle on the public roads? No. If all four of the wheels touch the road, then cars must pay road tax, unless they are exempted for historical or electric reasons.
If your vehicle is towed, what happens? You could be sued by the towing company as they may charge you a daily storage fee. They will sue you if the vehicle's value is lower than their storage fees.